Sukhoi – legendary and super agile Su-27 Flanker
While comparing Western to Eastern technology and fighter jets we cannot skip over two widely compared aircraft: Sukhoi Su-27 “Flanker” and the McDonnell Douglas F-15 “Eagle” (now Boeing F-15 Eagle). In the eastern aviation, world Sukhoi stands for a legend. The Sukhoi design bureau made such successful aircraft as the SU-24 Fencer strike fighter and the SU-27 Flanker series of air superiority fighters. The Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker was the top of Soviet technology at the time of its debut in the mid-80’s. Large but exceptionally agile, it had powerful engines and a big load of weaponry. With the Flanker fighter jet, the Soviet aviation industry made a leap forward in military technology. The Su-27 is a really great aircraft and a huge success of Soviet aviation, not only because it holds 27 absolute records. It is an exceptionally manoeuvrable machine, one of the most agile aircraft ever built. Russians proudly demonstrate it during air shows – the Russian Knights aerobatic team of the Russian Air Force performs with six Su-27.
The Flanker is an extremely nimble aircraft, can be controlled even at very low speeds and high angles of attack. A Cobra (Pugachev’s Cobra) – briefly sustained level flight at a 120° angle of attack – is a dramatic and very demanding manoeuvre usually demonstrated by Su-27 during airshows.
Video: Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker doing Pugachev’s Cobra
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The unbeatable F-15 Eagle and Su-27 Flanker

Boeing F-15 Eagle
The Russian Su-27 Flanker could easily compete with the United States Air Force F-15 Eagle. Both, the F-15 and the Su-27 Flanker were designed as powerful air superiority fighters. A Flanker performs better than the Eagle in a dogfight, but is the difference that big? Each pilot would probably share a different opinion. The F-15 Eagle is a twin-engine, all-weather, extremely manoeuvrable, tactical fighter aircraft designed by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) to gain and maintain air supremacy in aerial combat. It takes place among the most successful modern fighter jets, with over 100 aerial combat victories and no losses in dogfights. The only losses the F-15 fleet faced was due to ground fire. Here is what the F-15s killed during the Gulf War alone, according to the USAF:
– 5 MiG-29 “Fulcrum”
– 2 MiG-25 “Foxbat”
– 8 MiG-23 “Flogger”
– 2 MiG-21 “Fishbed”
– 2 Su-25 “Frogfoots”
– 4 Su-22 “Fitter”
– 1 Su-7
– 6 Mirage F1
– 1 Il-76
– 1 Pilatus PC-9 trainer
– 2 Mi-8 helicopter
Remains to be said that most of these victories took place against 3rd World Countries, with less well-trained pilots, without AWACS support etc. So the F-15 has a huge advantage.
The Eagle’s air superiority is achieved through a combination of superior maneuverability (low wing loading) and acceleration (high engine thrust/weight ratio), range, weapons and multimission avionics (including a head-up display, advanced radar, inertial navigation system, flight instruments, ultrahigh frequency communications, tactical navigation system, instrument landing system, an internally mounted, tactical electronic-warfare system, “identification friend or foe” system, electronic countermeasures set and a central digital computer). The F-15 is equipped with electronics and weaponry enabling the pilot to detect, acquire, track and attack enemy aircraft while operating in the friendly or enemy-controlled airspace. The Eagle would probably have an advantage at longer ranges because of its superior avionics. One really interesting battle was the Cope India exercise: when India’s IAF Su-30MKI jets achieved a surprising 9:1 kill ratio against U.S. F-15s.
The Eagle’s and Flanker’s armament comparison
The F-15 can carry a wide range of air-to-air weaponry. The Eagle can be armed with combinations of AIM-120 advanced medium range air-to-air missiles on its lower fuselage corners, AIM-9L/M Sidewinder or AIM-120 missiles on two pylons under the wings, and an internal 20mm Gatling gun located in the right wing root.
The Sukhoi Su-27 armament includes a single 30 mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 cannon in the starboard wingroot, up to 10 hardpoints for missiles and other weapons. Flanker’s standard missile armament for air-to-air combat is a combination of Vympel R-73 (AA-11 Archer), Vympel R-27 (AA-10 ‘Alamo’) weapons, with extended range and IR guided models. The Flanker has a comparable weapon arsenal to the Eagle in some respects.
General Characteristics |
F-15 Eagle |
Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker |
Primary function Contractor Power plant Thrust Wingspan
Weight Maximum takeoff weight: Speed
Ceiling Range
Crew Armament
Unit Cost
Initial operating capability |
Air superiority tactical fighterMcDonnell Douglas Corp. (Boeing)Two Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-100, 220 or 229 turbofan engines with afterburners(C/D models) 23,450 pounds each engine42.8 feet (13 meters)
63.8 feet (19.44 meters)
18.5 feet (5.6 meters)
28,000 lb (12,700 kg) (C/D models)
68,000 pounds (30,844 kilograms)
Mach 2.5+ (1,650+ mph, 2,665+ km/h)
65,000 feet (19,812 meters)
3,450 miles (3,000 nautical miles) ferry range with three external fuel tanks
F-15A/C: one. F-15B/D/E: two
One internally mounted M-61A1 20mm 20-mm, six-barrel cannon (940 rounds); four AIM-9 Sidewinder and four AIM-120 AMRAAMs or eight AIM-120 AMRAAMs, carried externally.
A/B $27.9mio (98 fiscal constants)
September 1975
Total force, 249
Air superiority tactical fighterSukhoi2 × Saturn/Lyulka AL-31F turbofans with afterburner12,500 kgf (122.6 kN, 27,560 lbf) each14.7 m (48 ft 3 in)
21.9 m (72 ft)
5.92 m (19 ft 6 in)
16,380 kg (36,100 lb)
30,450 kg (67,100 lb)
Mach 2.35 (2,500 km/h, 1,550 mph)
18,500 meters (62,523 feet)
3,530 km (2,070 mi) at altitude; (1,340 km / 800 mi at sea level)
One and two
1 × 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds; 8,000 kg (17,600 lb) on 10 external pylons; up to 6 × medium-range AA missiles R-27, 4 × short-range heat-seeking AA missiles R-73
$30 million
680 |
Additional Ressources
- Supersonic MiG-29 Flight for tourists in Russia
- Fighter Jet flights around the world
You cannot make a comparison of victories and losses in this case. The USA has been fighting 3rd world countries, against poor export version fighters and untrained crew. Also there’s not enough data about Su-27. Without considering the economics, the best way to know the best fighter, is to make a 10 F-15 vs 10 Su-27, americans vs russians, but both nations at their highest potential (not like Russia in 90s…).
I totally agree with u
F-15 is superior! Period! SU-27 would never have the opportunity to strike… Eagles aveonics is just that much better! 😉
nope youre wrong..
SU model tops the training exercise pitted against f-16 f-15 f-35 even f22.
It was an imbarassment to USAF. try reading the news.
In those engagements the F-15 was limited on using it’s full capability, politics were heavily involved. If you beat someone up too badly they won’t come back and play. I know these systems, I started as an Eagle Keeper in the 70’s and my specialty is radar. The Russian stuff is good but not the best, usually a generation behind. And please don’t try the “SU-27/35 has beaten an F-22”, not even in the same class
A generation behind LMAO
Agree with George – US radar and missiles better – and Nobody beats an F 22 – period.
You not being able to spell embarrassment is embarrassing. Try reading to learn how to spell …
Danke – und mein Deutsche is nicht sehr gut – aber Zwei Bier Bitte. 🙂
your a douche who can’t even spell embarrassment..try reading a dictionary..F15 over su27 wouldn’t drive a LADA if you have to pay for in point, Russians cant even build a car..
Dude you say something about spelling? You wrote your instead of you’re (you are)
And the fight goes to the SU-27 in respect to it’s armament. The F-15 would loose in a dogfight (when a merge happens) that’s for sure (The russian airforce was focussing on close up fights for too long, so their aircrafts tend to be more manouverable than western ones). When it comes to long distance engagements, the newest versions of Aim-120s are very very excellent. The russians could have a match with their R27 or R77 missile. Problem is, the R27 is not active radar guided, so the pilot has the same range with it as with the Aim-120, BUT he has to keep radar lock on the American aircraft. The Aim-120 has active radar guidance, so the american pilot doesn’t have to keep radar lock from his aircraft, since the missile has a radar. Problem now is, the russian missiles get pretty fast and due to their design they stay pretty fast even after the engines burnt all fuel. That’s a bad one for the 120s, they tend to get too slow when shot at longer range (x>50km). This would mean the russian pilot can close in with some small manouvers (in which he could stay in radar lock). The american pilot can’t just fly towards the russian pilot, he would have to do manouvering too, since the russian would keep radar lock (due to the inferior speed and effective combat distance of Aim120s he would only have to do 45 degree turns and reverse them so the missile has to turn and loses air speed). Now it gets serious, because after every missile launch the effectivness is higher, since they are getting closer. Now the russian made R-77 would come into effect (I estimate at like 20 or less kilometers) This missile is super fast, manouverable AND it has active radar. This would mean the russian pilot can turn away from his opponent and the rocket would still seek the american pilot. In contrast, the american pilot has Aim-9s which are fast too, but no actively guided. So now tables would turn into the favour of the russian pilot. This would mean that in a fight where two skilled pilots compete, the russian would win probably in a 7 to 3 ratio… (without ground forces on both sides, so no SAMs interference)
I have driven a LADA for 20 years, indestructible, if a modern car hits LADA, the modern car crumbles and LADA is still driveable
LADA is reliable and easy for DIY on the roead if there is need for it, but the need rarely comes.
Im talking about LADA Riva or 2107 model 1988 built.
But modern LADAs which are are in production now are up to or better than “western ” cars
More like war games. U set up competitive tasks for each plane to complete..Russias sukohi vs u s and the looser gets banned from exporting or something.?
I don’t think that f15 or f16 can kill any sukhois. Particularly later avatars of su27. It’s true that Russia only sells poor quality export variants to other nations. Yet that export variant su30 MKI jammed several AMRAM missiles shot by pakistani f16. I know pakistan uses older amram missiles so does india uses older export variant su 30. I believe Russian SU35 would easily jam rong range newer generation amram missiles. At close range……. All western pilots knows that russians have clear advantage.
No. F-15 is very capable plane in a dogfight. it has better thrust-to-weight ratio than Su-27 and can better utilize the vertical dimension in the combat.
Su-27 has edge in high-alpha tricks, but those high-alpha tricks leave the plane very vulnerable after performing the trick.
So, the Sukhoi may try to get an early kill of F-15 by pointing his nose more aggressively, but it he does not get a kill doing it, he just loses precious energy and gives F-15 an advantage.
Also, when on defensive, the Suhkoi may try to perform Cobra to make the F-15 overshoot, but if the pilot of F-15 knows what he is doing, he will not be flying so close that he overshoots because of the cobra. Instead, that cobra just makes the Suhkoi lose its energy and makes it a sitting duck, making it easier for the F-15 to finish it off.
In dogfight, it’s much more about the pilots than the planes. Both planes are quite equal in dogfight, so that the better pilot and better luck wins.
Not as embarrassing as your spelling. Better than the F22, get out of here.
Shut up, he’s not. The f-15 is just too good. It’s the most top-range aircraft. I have seen.
Sorry mate but YOU are wrong. The F-15 is a jet fighter coming from the USA, a country which is known to have never been cheap on avionics and had always equiped its jets with the best equipment and materials, whilst the the Mig-25 had freakin VODKA in its cooling pipes… The Su-27 has certainly advanced since then,but everything that has to do with avionics, inclouding computing power and weapon systems, maintenance quality of the platform, argonomy and human-machine relation, in every possible aspect the F-15 is superior. It is true that the two jets has never met each other in a real aerial combat (except maybe that idiot russian Su-27 pilot who almost colided purposly in mid-air with an F-15, as if it was a cock fight and his plane would come out OK from the collision, freakin dumbass…), but in a true combat the F-15 would probably discover the Su-27 first, would engage first, fire its aim-120 first, and a dogfight – it it would come to it – will start with a substantial numerical advantage for the F-15 formation, who would thus probably continue the smash the Su-27 out of the sky.
Sorry mate but that’s the truth.
The SU-27 may be best at making sharp turns. But the F-15 is best at maintaining its energy in turns, while the SU-27 loses its energy and becomes a sitting dug.
That said, it’s certainly a matter of pilot skills and if bringing the own plane into an advantageous position.
There was no serious confrontation of the two, and neither side shows all their tricks in a demonstration.
The really bad thing about the F-15, is that the pilot can’t see over the dashboard…!
Are you that limited in what the pilot can see? Then you steer clear of this forum
I want to say you something that su-27’s angle of attack, supermanuerabilty, and thrust vectoring nozzels will completely beat f-15’s during dog fight, did you see the exercise between indian air force vs u.s. air force??
What is the compare? You know, any USA aircraft machine could kill 10000000000 Russian airplanes at onece with one bullet!!!!!
We are the best!!!!
P.S. Sorry, I have to burry my brother what went to Ukraine in order to kill Russian animals.
Fuck, they could cut us better.
pidor -bandera lol an anti russian kid one bullet for 10000000000 russian planes seriously? you are a bigger joke than the f-35 itself
C’mon Kartheek… have you not heard of ‘dry-humor’?!!!
You are not only ignorant on specs and aircraft performance , But your also a clown.
MF- bendera, soon your time will come to teh end. As far as SU-27- it is more superior than F-15 by all means based on multiple parameters. Even avionics is at the same level
Turns out he was the animal that got killed lol. Brother lamb to the slaughter
It has read article Quote ” The mighty McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle family is generally credited by most Western observers with over 100 aerial victories, without a single (a single) combat loss to enemy aircraft. A large portion of this (100+) figure is IDF/AF in origin – and must be understood as such:
1981 – According to Russian sources: an Israeli F-15A of the 133 Sqn was downed by a MiG-25P (or PD) of the T.4-Squadron over Lebanon.
1982 – According to Russian sources: (a claim confirmed by Israeli sources) an Israeli F-15D was damaged in an engagement with Syrian MiG-21bis flown by SyAAF Capt Kharah. A second F-15A appears to have been downed in the same engagement.
1983 – According to Russian sources: two (2) F-15As were downed by MiG-23MLs newly delivered to Syria.
1991 Gulf War – An F-15C was lost under mysterious circumstances involving ‘contact with the enemy’ near the Saudi border, possibly involving Iraqi MiG-25.
The American F-15C was claimed shot down during Iraqi operation: “Samarrah” launched on 01-Feb 1991. This saw Iraqi No. 96 Sqn launch a total of four MiG-25s in an attempt to deliberately drag USAF F-15s into a trap – to be hit by Foxbat R-40RD missiles. One MiG-25 pilot involved claimed a kill with two missiles: ground radars recording a hit, and subsequently tracked the formation of F-15s withdrawing south. One Eagle was continuously losing speed, and altitude as it went, and was assessed as crashing some 30km inside Saudi Arabia. Apparently a F-15C combat-loss was confirmed to the Iraqis during post-war negotiations.
1991 Gulf War – F-15E Strike Eagle crews appear to have had some harrowing encounters with the Iraqi MiG-29 (and MiG-23?) with numerous missiles fired, but with inconclusive results. How these events unfolded precisely – remains illusive.
The best researched estimates (using non-American sources: as American/IDF-AF sources can be unreliable) conclude that over 130 Iraqi aircraft were downed (with an additional 23 probable) by Iranian F-14 Tomcats during the Iran-Iraq war; with over forty (40) of these using the AIM-54 Phoenix missile. This means the twenty (20) year air-combat record of the F-15 ‘Eagle’ was exceeded in eight (8) years by the F-14 ‘Tomcat.’ Iranian Tomcats literally faced thousands of Iraqi air strikes. Indeed, Iranian F-14 crews fought in more areal engagements than both the USAF and US-Navy combined during Vietnam.”
And I would Llllllloooooooovvvvveeeeeeee to see these russian sources. 🙂
I give no credibility to any reports by the Russians. Remember the Russians couldn’t tell the difference between a Korean Airlines 747 and the US aircraft DC-7! SU-27 superiority is speculative comma F-15 superiority is demonstrated!
There can be no credibility given by any american report.
USA uses russian engines operated by Russia to get to space
Agression commited by USA all over the world, read WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, BREAKING INTERNATIONAL LAWS, against poorly funded countries, upon which the americans have lifted sanctions so the victims have no means to get any defence machines,
It is like the judge the jury the prosecution and defence attorney are one and the same person trying to kill the victim, it is called THE AMERICAN STANDARD!
The Age of Empires has long passed, replaced by global markets made possible by international law. Humanity cannot afford to have empires at war with one another. We have existential problems to solve, most notably climate change.
Russia remains an imperialist, revisionist, expansionist state and sneers at international law.
The main reason for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is that it distracts the Russian people from how he and his cronies have been robbing them of trillions of dollars worth of their resources. See in depth what Bill Browder has to say about Putin and check his facts.
Most of what Putin says is sheer fabrication. Look at what he does, not what he says. He is the NAZI!!!
Russian diplomat Boris Bondarev resigned, escaped to Finland, and said in an email message: “Those who conceived this war want only one thing — to remain in power forever, live in pompous tasteless palaces, sail on yachts comparable in tonnage and cost to the entire Russian Navy, enjoying unlimited power and complete impunity. To achieve that they are willing to sacrifice as many lives as it takes.”
Of course, any tu quoque argument is invalid. But we cannot expect ignorant people to be rational, which is why wars will continue to plague humankind. Nevertheless, I will attempt to engage you supporters of Russia in dialectic.
Until about 1900 or so, western nations had not fully understood or implemented all of the implications of their newly hatched democratic constitutions. They had come out of the Age of Empires, which had dominated human history from its earliest days: either you had your own empire or became part of someone else’s empire. It was better to have your own.
Since the early 1900s, however, every US military engagement has been to defend ourselves and international law, and we have not sought to annex territories. Ask the Germans and Japanese who has been the more civilized and honorable, Russia or the US.
Democracies have oversight by the citizens and tend to shun imperialism, for the citizens do not wish to send their loved to war except in self-defense or to avert larger and more costly conflicts.
Modern democracies seek only trustworthy partners in cultural, scientific, and economic exchange. Hence the EU and NATO. We want friends. That is what former Soviet bloc nations want, as does Ukraine.
We westerners were apparently fools to think Russians wanted that, too, and might even join these organizations. But Russia, sadly, remains an imperialist nation that continues to have a political system that elevates the most devious, those most adept at bribes, threats, murder, and brinksmanship, e.g., Stalin or Putin.
Of course, once war breaks out, emotions run high and things tend to get rapidly get out of hand.
WWI — a highly militaristic Germany invaded neutral Belgium as a path through which to attack France and later sank American vessels, killing American citizens
WWII — a fascist Japanese government attacked US ships in Pearl Harbor without a declaration of war in response to US sanctions which, like those now against Russia, were levied as a means of trying to halt the brutal Japanese invasions and annexations of territories in Korea, Manchuria, and China. After the war, the US claimed no territory but rather spent enormous amounts of money, labor, and material to help Japan and Germany to rebuild their economies and restore their dignity — and helped them write democratic constitutions that would give their people oversight over their governments and so safeguard their societies from tyrants and murderers like Hitler or Putin.
Korea War — communist North Korea violated international agreement and invaded democratic South Korea, which the UN was bound by treaty to defend.
Vietnam — communist North Vietnam invaded democratic South Vietnam, which the US was bound by a UN-brokered treaty to defend.
Iraq 1991– every nation in the region pleaded with the US to lead a coalition to oust Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi forces from Kuwait, which he had attempted to annex by force in 1990.
Afghanistan 2002-2021 — the US led a coalition of Afghani rebels to oust the Taliban, which had given safe harbor to the Al Queda terrorists responsible for many attacks on American interests, including the massive casualty attacks on several embassies and the World Trade Center towers in 2001.
Iraq 2003 — Every intelligence service in the world believed that Iraq still had hidden WMD. Saddam was, like Putin, a serial killer who rose to power through bribery, threats, and murder. Saddam’s first contribution to the Ba’ath Party (the ideology of which was a combination of communism with Islam) had been his work as a torturer in the “Palace of the End,” where he routinely ground off people’s fingers, impaled them on steel poles, electrically shocked their genetalia until they died, and other such amusements. Later he became an assassin for the party. Like Putin, he knew no way holding power but by bribes, threats, murder, and brinksmanship. As dictator, he had murdered his own citizens by the millions. The Duelfer Report showed that he did indeed intend to build WMD after the sanctions were lifted (which he tried to hasten by doing things like murdering infants to drive up the infant mortality rate) and attack Kuwait again, as well as Saudi Arabia, and gain control over more than half the world’s proven oil reserves. His neighbors and the world community pleaded with the US to remove him from Kuwait the first time and would have again, but at a much higher cost if the US had waited for him to have WMD. The US never intended to claim territory, only to remove a Putin-like serial killer and mass murderer from power and — as we did with Germany and Japan — create a democratic government with oversight by the citizenry and thus a trustworthy partner in economic, cultural and scientific exchange. The terms of Saddam’s 1991 surrender, his failure to abide by them, and the following 17 UN resolutions against Saddam gave the ouster more than sufficient legal justification. And now Iraq is not a totalitarian nepotistic police state regime like North Korea.
I recently watched some older videos from Mariupol an other sites in February and March of 2022. I was looking for one particular image I remembered, that of the foot and calf of a little Ukrainian girl, perhaps seven years old or so, sticking out from a mass grave from among the black body bags and dirt. She had on a little white ankle sock and flat strapped shoe. I remember how that image struck me and made me weep. I didn’t find that image but had to stop looking for it. I found too many other images of children thus murdered by Putin and his fascist Russian pigs. They surely number in the tens of thousands. Little boys with their legs blown off while playing with a ball. Babies blasted from their hospital cribs. School children massacred by mortar and missile fire as they fled the destruction of their homes. Russian shells and missiles had reduced entire cites to rubble. Residential buildings had been flattened, turned to dust and twisted steel. Death to Putin. Death to Lavrov. Death to Kadyrov. Death to Prigozhin. Death to Dugan. Death to Shoigu. Death to any and every Russian who supports this brutal imperialist invasion of free and independent Ukraine. May you Russian scum — and those few perverse monsters who support you — die horribly and slowly fully aware of how your bodies are being mutilated and knowing that you are deserving of no respect or dignity. May your severed limbs, heads, and torsos be cast into dung pits. The dung will be thus tainted, but so be it. You are lower than the most vile piles of shite ever shat.
Statements by Medvedev, Dugan, and many other Russian leaders clearly can be categorized only as nationalist, fascist, imperialist, revisionist, and expansionist. The self-imposed isolation of these meager intellects renders them unable to understand that no one respects or believes them and that they have driven Russia off a cliff and are falling into the deepest depths of ignominy that human history reserves for its most vile and loathsome subhuman actors. Choke on your own bile, Russian worms. You will be cast out of human society like the Satanic creatures you are. You have no say on the future of humanity. You have relinquished your humanity in pursuit of an imagined imperial glory. Rot in Hell. May those who support you in media meet a similar fate. You do not deserve to live in the company of the decent humans of this world.
u cant just say “it never lost so its the best”, it just never competet against any moder fighter jets, just shitty export ones, the f15 also crashed more often than the su27
Are these the same “Russian Sources” that claim the Russians had nothing to do with shooting down the Malaysian airliner or attempting to murder the two Russian ex-patriots in the UK with sarin gas?
LOL. Liars.
Great powers don’t fight each other anymore, because of nuclear weapons.
Imaginary standards for combat kills that truly demonstrate the capabilities of a piece of equipment are just that, imaginary.
Combat kills against 2nd and 3rd rate air forces (air forces equipped and trained by the Russians) are better than no combat record, but they aren’t definitive. It’s better than nothing.
and the Su 27 has fought what Modern force????? Yeah, I thought so- ethiopians shooting at Eritreans doesn’t exactly count or vice versa!
Given the the actual combat experience, the F-15 DOES rule it! The fighters they went up against were taken out in WVR, where the supposed “older” fighters had affective opportunity to shoot down the F-15.
It depends on training and airspace- if the F-15s were pushing their way into Russian Air space, I’d give the edge to the Sukhois 6/10, if in open air environment, say pacific theater 1v1? I’d give it to the F-15s 6/10,; ditto U.S> or Western european Air space..
It is very depend who is flying the air crafts,
No chance to bit the Israelis
Russia is good agenst weak army’s not agenst the best one….
No, that in itself wouldn’t be the best way to find out. The best way to do it would be to do a 1v1. Because, with a multiple number of aircraft on each side, it can be who has better strategy but with a 1v1 it would be closer to being which is a better plane.
Iraq isn’t exactly a 3rd world nation and when they are flying Russian jets, that makes them even more deadly
Sure you can- the Su27 was made by Russia and sold to its allies. F15 same thing but with our allies. By your standard they’d need to be compared in a ‘vacuum’ and there is always something you could alter or claim. If you consider the entire program for both planes to include who they sell them to, how those countries deploy , tactics, weapon systems, logistics etc you get the complete picture. And I am relatively certain that the F-15 would come out on top. When you compare a weapons system in real life you can do the paper chart like the one above. Or you can compare the entirety of the program. And the entirety of the program is what gets you to the ultimate goal in this case-which is air superiority.
The real test is which aircraft program would establish and maintain that goal. The Germans had superior tanks in ww2 but ultimately having a better tank didn’t matter. Numbers, production, reliability, logistics all made the difference.
As a warfighter you you need everything to work better from soup to nuts and as of now the F-15 has beaten the SU27. You cant ignore the ground truth which is the Russian program has not beaten the US program and ultimately I don’t think it ever would. 1:1 in sterile rules driven tests maybe but the Russian program unless it got really lucky wouldn’t establish and maintain air superiority. That is all that matters.
I would agree. Also the American Eagles always engaged with the Migs with AVACS support and during the Persian Gulf war after blinding the Iraqi radars.
And 5/6 of the Su-27’s combat record is against Ethiopia. You can’t really argue that Russia has been fighting the cream of the crop either.
put the american electronics into the su27.
Put American pilot and American avionics in the Su-27 then go against an F-15. That would be a true test!
No!!! Why put american pilots in russian airplanes. American pilots are not trained for this xD You guys in here are so pathetic, I’m sorry to say.
Por lo visto en cuanto a maniobrabilidad el Su-27 supera ampliamente por un considerable margen al aguila F-15, pero porsupesto lo fundamental es el entrenamiento del piloto y su habilidad, que es lo que decide en definitiva la victoria en el combate Aire-Aire.
Exacto. Hasta ahora todos los enfrentamientos del F15 fueron contra pilotos sub-entrenados. Israel y USA tienen sistemas y recursos que son de los mejores del mundo. No podría dar cifras exactas pero de seguro Irak o cualquier otro rival no podían colocar ni el 10% de pilotos igualmente entrenados. En suma en todos los enfrentamientos tenían las de ganar.
Americans always like to brag about their country.
so saying that their military hardware is better than anyone elses is part of their culture, their “exceptionalism”.
SU-27 “flies itself” and theirefore it is a lot better aircraft than F-15 and that is the end of the story.
If true the F-15 and Su-27 are near equal, then it will be the quality of the man flying the plane, rather than quality of plane flying the man, that will decide the victor. That “flies itself” stuff belongs to the weekend civilian pilot.
I totally agree. If we look at Vietnam, outdated MiG-17s faced the F-4 Phantom II, one of the most advanced fighters in the world. Yet, the MiGs were able to shoot down quite a few Phantoms. Just goes to show that the plane isn’t everything.
You really think the United states military would let a communist Russian plane that could end up in The wrong hands go unchallenged? And dude, I’m pretty sure niether planes can fly themselves. In real battles the United States Air Force would dominate the skies. And who is in the SU, or the F15? The pilot is what really counts. Unless the plane really sucks. And both are two phenomenal aircraft, so I don’t think it would come to that. and where did you get the info? Are you an Air Force pilot? What about the f15 Pov? You really need to check your facts. I’m pretty darn sure that the pilots who flew f15 would say something pretty close.
Technology knows difference between ideologies?
I do not remember hearing anything more stupid dumbass like.
Democratic/comminist technology.
Ok then, communists are the grandfathers and fathers of space travel and worlds space program, check please which book written by a communist has USA used,communists have won the space race, communists have first successfully sent probes and robots to other planets, communists have the most powerfull nuclear bomb, communist have built a self driving shuttle BURAN, better asswmbled designed,unlike american whic used bathroom silicone to glue protection tiles in the shuttle surface
Ther is no such thing as democratic this of communist that, there is but it is called bul*s*it.
It is not “democratic” to judge other ideologies,live and let live,no one can cast the first stone, for example that communist wich hunt shit is tottaly nazi endeavour
Wessley, you arte an idiot with that statement! “flying itself” cannot save the Su 27 in actual combat.
This depends on too many factors, but yeah, head to head- the F-15 can take this by a “slight” margin…
We are exceptional. Learn how to spell you dopey bastard. Check your punctuation and capitalization next time too and maybe some other America hater will think you know what you’re actually talking about.
STFU you make us all look stupid. You’ll never learn anything if you are constantly running your mouth telling yorself how great you are. Shut that mouth and open your ears. Who knows you may actually learn something for once.
Just because it has an autopilot that doesn’t make it a better plane. I mean, the F-15 can fly on one wing due to it’s unique aerodynamics.
If you say so but the SU27 flying itself is absolutely irrelevant. Maybe if it were a drone but it isn’t. In war- would the Flanker-be enough to give superiority of the airspace to Russia and its allies if the answer is no then you have your answer. I don’t care if my M4 isn’t as powerful as an AK variant. I care about the entire program that gets me in front of the bad guy with the greatest opportunity for overall success. Forget allegiance forget cool factor what weapon system do you want to go to war in? My father was an F15 pilot during cold war and there is no way I’d choose the SU to take me in to battle. I’d want the US program supporting me.
But they can only get away with it if there’should any evidence. The F-15 has demonstrated it’s superiority for 30 years. The Russians, on the other hand, also likes to brag about their country’so ability…it’s just that there’s nothing to back it up!
Just so you know,, the F-15 was able to fly and land without 1 wing, i wonder if the SU-27 would do the same (it won’t lol) so it’s the F-15 that flies itself here
Andrea and also anyone 😉
You can not compare any aircraft one on one or 10/10 in a ideal or UFC cage like environment. A clean fight would never happen and anyone who would put their pilot or aircraft into a life/death situation without every advantage available would be criminally insane. There are always many factors in a battle space to consider that will change the dynamics.
Electronic Jamming & AWACS (airborne warning and control system is a huge factor, just ask anyone who has ever been attacked from behind in the time and place of the attackers choosing…) properly used makes your opponent blind while you can see them.
Terrain and battle field (Factors such as: are you on home territory, how many nearby airfields & aircraft available, distances to fly before hitting the enemy, etc) then there is training.
American training and tactics is designed to put lots of aircraft in the right position to make use of every advantage.
Then there is the reality of funding… America has the funds to do large scale (IE conditions more tough than a real war) combined (Fighter, fighter/bomber, AWACS, EW environment, SAM/AD threats) training exercises on a routine basis.
Sorry but war is not fair: so even if a Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean or European fighter is better they would lose in a declared war.
While everyone does the usual ‘well this thing is better than that’ they usually leave out the pilot and their training & experience which every combat pilot from every war will tell you is usually the deciding factor (well except for luck) in a battle.
The classic example of that is Vietnam where training for the American pilots had been completely ignoring basic air/air combat techniques (see Wikipedia for BFM basic fighter maneuvers) but then they put together programs & training to correct this and ended up completely reversing the tables on the enemy (including talented Russian trained N. Vietnamese pilots and even Russian pilots) even though the Americans were heavily handicapped by bureaucratic rules (fly this altitude/direction/speed to the target, don’t hit them on their airfield, etc) issued from the highest government officials (President)thousands of miles away during actual fights!!!
So just looking at the raw data of an aircraft is not realistic. Now in the future robotic stealthy super maneuverable aircraft can be compared one on one as they will probably go head to head on equal terms… But we are not there yet…
Very well said …totally agree.
We’re essentially there now. And neither aircraft are tip of the spear.
Believe me! No Su-27 was Lost to GROUND FIRE in Angola. THE airplane was Lost during training preparation, to a airshow in boeing prepered in South Africa.
The information and reports received about the Gulf War 91 is incorrect,Took advantage of the absence of the Iraqi side to spread these false figures, however. In 1991 Iraqi air force lost only 4 MiG-29s (one of them were hit by friendly fire )as we call it “Fratricide”In the first night of the start of military operations, for that enemy aircraft shot down only three and two of them were an easy target after being hit Ground controlled interception of communication. The story of an Iraqi MIG-29 were spin spiral and then crashed in the ground against two F-15Cs piloted by Captains Craig Underhill and Cesar Rodriguez “Incorrect” Capt. Qasim Hamad from 39Sqn of Iraqi air force clashed with them approximately 10 minutes without being hit or shot down and he was able to avoid two missiles fired on him AIM-7 and AIM-9 headon (after the engagement ended )returned to the base H-3 and land safely.
The Iraqi MIG-29 scored three aerial victories.
– 1 F-111F No.70-2391 48th TFW.
– 1 B-52G No. 58-0248 4300th BW(P).
– 1 Tornado GR.1 ZA467/FF Sqn 16.
The Iraqi MIG-25PD achieved twice aerial victories.
– 1 F/A-18C No. 163484 VFA-81 CVW-17 USS Saratoga.
– 1 F-15C in 29 Jan 1991 by two R-40RD + R-40TD (named operation Samarra)BTW there is another F-15 was shot by Iraqi MIG-25 in 16 Jan 1993.
The Iraqi MIG-23 achieved twice aerial victories as well.
– 2 F-111F No.70-2384 48th TFW, other on unknown s/n but same unit 48th TFW.
The Iraqi Mirage F1 achieved one air victory.
-1 EF-111A s/n 66-0023 shot down by an Iraqi Mirage F-1 used Matra 530 in 14 Feb 1991.
And here correct numbers received above (the article )
– 8 MiG-23 “Incorrect” 6 only Unarmed headed to Iran.
– 2 MiG-21 Unarmed headed to Iran.
– 2 Su-25 Unarmed headed to Iran.
– 4 Su-22 Unarmed headed to Iran.
– 1 Su-7 Out of service of Iraqi air force since 1984 come from where !
– 6 Mirage F1 “Incorrect” 4 only were shot down.
Do you have some supporting evidence for that? Looks like fiction to me just like the B-2 shot down in Serbia.
are an idiot or insane>>??your referring on b2 bomber,,its not a b2 bomber has been shot down in Serbia its an Night Hawk: F-117 for your information..try to research mate!!
Hawk Eyes story sound like Soviet propaganda from the 40’s and 50’s!The supposed planes of ours that got shot down are still sitting on our airfields and the pilots are sill alive. This is america. NO one has better records than us.Show me pics of all the MIG’s that we supposedly “missed”.
also, to put this to bead real quick, the Soviets said their pilots(not chinese or NK)shot down 710 F86 sabres in korea 1950-53. We never had more then 250 F86’s in theatre in the whole war!
Baghdad Bob lives.
I refer SU-27 in contrast to F-15
You guys, it depends on the pilot. Get some good training you could do well flying both
I pick the F-15 Eagle, it has been in more combats. With over 100 aerial combat victories and no losses in dogfights. The Su 27 Flanker looks cool though.
surely f 15 is a grt is nt easy to score 100 till now it had nt scored a kill against a equally equipped contender..(su 27,su 30)..the kills were of only les capable will b also very easy fr a su 30 to kil 100 or mre if it is pittd against (f 14,f 16,harriers,tornados..etc)…the real grtness of f 15 will b known whn it is pittd aginst its no. 1 contender su 30.
John Wessley : <>
BULLSHITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USA are a great nation, …. it’s simply the TRUTH !!!
From 1972 (F-14) their fighters have always been the best, ’cause they got the highest technology, …….
Hawk Eye : Iraq was lying. NOT USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The F-15/F-14/F-16 at the time of their release was simply a generation ahead all others …………
The difference between the f-15 and the Su-27 is negligible, compared both have some advantage and disadvantage, ….. the F-15 is also lightest …………. would win the best pilot ………… (… And USA got the better trained pilots).
Usa has some of the best trained pilots, so yes, they would dominate. Don’t spam to much, but I know. People who prefer Russian planes over American planes? ‘Bullshits’
If I was an american pilot flying in a war vs Russia (which would never happen)I would pick the F15 if i was flying air superiority missions or escort missions over eastern Europe far from our air bases,just like the P51 in WW2. If i was intercepting bombers or fighters over Russia w/central radar control I’d probably pick the SU27/su30/etc. fighters.
Either way it would be the better pilot who wins .We know who has the better pilots since WW2,with the years 1955-1967 the exception.
Remember the F15 has been flying since 1974. SU27 since late 1980’s. NNow the Flankers would be up against F22 Raptors which would no bode well for the SU’s
All these comparisons between the F-15 and the SU-27 by so called experts and idiots from third world countries. I guess the Japanese and Chinese will answer this question. Because they have so many of these fighters in the air. Until that happens the F-15 will remain superior with 100 wins and is everybody paying attention?? 0 losses!!
The SU 27 supposedly has 6 wins and no losses. Supposedly…*rolls eyes…The American fighter pilots have been defeating Soviet air craft for decades. Russia on the other hand has been sitting around and selling their junk to third world countries.
To be honest with you, I’m not so sure that the SU-27 would survive against any American fighter, even the ones that are retired like the F-14 and F-4 Phantom from the Vietnam War.
F-15 is superior! Period! SU-27 would never have the opportunity to strike… Eagles aveonics is just that much better! 😉
I’m tipping my hat to you, sir! Could not have said it better myself! 😉
Russian SU were never marketed to other nations rather than their allie primarily CHINA and other 6 more countries.
unlike the older MIG-29.
statistically no one ever confronted these 2 great nations in combat. unlike f15 that was massly marketed to other nations with many conflicts like Iran. claiming 100 kills-0 /1loss? not factual ask IRAQ. nevertheless justifiable but not evident to say its more superior than SU.
in fact,Two Su-27s were delivered to the United States in 1995. Two more were bought from Ukraine in 2009 by a private company, Pride Aircraft, to use for warbird exhibition. They are stored at an Air Force base in Delaware for Air Force evaluation(??).
ask why?
SU-27/37 outperforms all USAF fighter planes, in terms to speed, versatility, payload. F22 cannot even closely match up with SU during their joint military exercise. In fact suprisingly older F15 performed better than F22, the only 1 close to match SU in the combat exercise. evidently these are all facts.
I like F15 like ever. I love F14 more. but SU will stand its ground to be the best Super fighter/bomber ever made( [-] publicity). In fact supersonic bomber who doesnt even need stealth like the B2.
Dude, the f22 is a stealth fighter, and with all due respect, your research is crap. You are obviously biased, and your research is crap. And I’m pretty sure the f22 is more manueverable and gen. 5 fighters are way out of SUs league
Comparing any 4th generation aircraft with 5th generation shows a lack of basic understanding. Look first at the mission and capabilities of the aircraft. The F22 can shoot down multiple aircraft over the horizon as it circles the airfield from which it took off. It can attack ground objects targeted by a single soldier on the ground with standard issue equipment. An infantryman now has the power of a 5th generation fighter and other weapons systems many times more powerful. Translated, a single properly trained and equipped US soldier can do the work of a battalion of Russian troops. War has changed. Don’t be fooled into thinking the battlefield hasn’t. I need not prove my point. Before our chief Dolt withdrew them, 50 troops were holding the entire border between Turkey and the Kurds. BTW: Calling our leaders by their appropriate names is a right we have and you don’t. Fight for what’s right. Peace.
Research the su some more you will see how many time it got delay and crahses i think something smells in the su oh wait is unreliable while is good to look at i wont be suprised if it had a good avionic system which the russian always fail to do good in anyway f15. Has proven its reliability
if you want a clear comparison look at indo-us airforce training in 2004
There indian su 30mki(an advancement over basic su 27) killed f 15 on almost every simulation.
amen to factual events.
wrooong. the simulation was lopsided since the US side were handicapped and not allowed to use the full potential of the fighter as an incentive to produce the F22 ;> try again.
Russian junk is still russian junk. The fact that Russia does not have an electronics industry already puts it a century behind the other western nations. Try some actual facts instead of selling this Russian garbage. The only Russian equipment that is known to be reliable is the AK47. ALL of their fighter planes, tanks and naval assets are garbage and powered by sheer propaganda. Not to mention that Americans have superior training that puts ALL russians to shame. good riddance
Try it in real combat! Strike Eagle!
Will take you out of the sky! any time anywhere!
They are both superior when it comes to dogfights , so may the best pilot wins . Its not the armament or specifications its all about the skills of an ace pilot .
I personaly am a fan of the us when it comes to military strngth but the su27 will desimate the f15
Who’s in the cockpit is what matters
Doesn’t the su-27 have a Doppler machine gun? If my crappy memory serves me properly, is it not the same weapon that is in the Mig-29. It never misses at range.
Both planes are the remarkable piece of engineering. In the case of the head to head confrontation su 27 has a slightly advantage because of his superior aerodynamics.
wats the use of comparing when it is already decided su 27 are the best suited for close dogfights, only pilot of superior fighting skills can over come the odds. there are many occasions where inferior planes shot down superior planes no matter of radar, electronics are what ever you name it. but it is only occasional not every time.
British and Israeli pilots are the top guns.
Russian pilots can do more with less. i.e. improvise with inferior equipment, they are generally hardier than their American counterparts. They are catching up in flight technology. Perhaps on par, or better, in missile technology.
American pilots are the best trained – huge budget for training and overspending budget for the military. US defense budget is more than the next 5 countries combined.
Russians are tough and capable but I wouldn’t bet against the US in a real head-to-head fight.
Russians have more to lose so they will probably fight to the death if needed or else be sent to some gulag if they fail!
F-15 is a good plane. F-14 SuperTomcat even better. However what ever the F-15 / 14 do in terms of agility, nimbleness and maneuverability; the Su-27 family of planes can exceed by 20-50%. Take a Cobra maneuver for example or a proper de facto vertical take off.
I see a lot of people throwing terms around such as ‘advanced technology’ or ‘inferior technology’.
Inferior and advanced to what? compared to what exactly?
why throw a normative perspective at something that is clearly an ‘object’ which has no links or real connections with the other object.
Why can’t you just say ‘different’.
Words such as advanced , superior, inferior are simply pop cultural constructs with no real definite objective reference point.
So criticizing something and calling it inferior or advanced is really a vacuous way to explain the differences. Who ever uses aforementioned words has failed to make a distinction between ie: SU27 and F-15 in this case.
They are just different. Neither is more advanced or superior.
Does any one has an educated guess of how and why a SU27 crashed in Venezuela a few weeks ago?
I think both aircraft are amazing. I also think it will come down to the pilot’s skill, and how well he knows his own plane, and how well he knows the capabilities of his adversaries plane. I wish the U.S. would take a proven aircraft like the F-15 and build new and much more advanced models of it, instead of overpriced failures like the F-35.
Honestly, most of the arguments I see on this forum and bias and unsupported by evidences. I suggest some reading time for most of you guys.
the F4 claimed to be the most superior fighter at the time and the engineers claimed that the F4 has put the days of dogfight to an end. (They deem machine guns was obsolete so machine guns were removed) This was largely unfounded as the vietnamese were able to score kills against the so called ‘superior’ american tech. Hence, even the F-22s are equiped with machine guns.
If you observe the characteristic of the Su-27, you will notice that the Su-27 is superior to even the F-22, in the spectrum of manoeuvrability.
However, electronic wise, the F-15 has a leading edge as it is capable of tracking multiple targets with fire and forget capability.
The base model of Su-27 lacks this ability and hence, several upgrades were made in the latter models to narrow the gap down. The Chinese Flankers are very unique to the original Flankers, the Chinese built them domestically and they were equiped with indigenous electronic system to enhance their situational awareness and their system were made to link up with the AWAWC command. They reversed engineered the Su-27 and ascended its capability as they are immensely impressed by what the Flanker airframe can do. (BTW, the Chinese have already got they hands on the F-16 from Pakistan if you were to argue against this) Couples of newer Chinese fighters derived from the Su-27 includes the J-11 and J-15 despite being able to manufacture their own stealth jet.
Another point that I would like to raise is that Stealth fighters are not invincible to 4th generation fighters, they only reduced the RCS but they can still be detected assuming the adversary has enough radar coverage and link up system. The F-22 was only made to fight oppositions with inferior air defence system, the effectiveness against other more advanced country is questionable.
When ever an American plane engages in a mechanically induced high pitch angle; it suffers a compressor stall. Not the case with f22 due to its vertical only nozzle vector thrust. Sadly, a basic Su27 can execute a cobra without thrust vectoring. It is simply a far more superior architecture and with post year 2000 electronics updates on par with f15 and f22 but with far superior mechanical maneuverability.
The F15 and SU27 are comparable.
SU27 has the advantage close in, due to superior maneuverability.
F15 has the advantage at distance, and can stay at a distance, due to superior avionics, speed, and range.
Who wins would depend on approach, mission, terrain, and pilot skill.
F15A, F15C, F15D, F15E… If you ever compare anything try to do your best to compare comparable. Also 0 losses of the F15 in air combat? Common. Even the biggest fanboys cannot believe that, can they? We were fed up with propaganda bullshit for nearly 50 years here. Looks like it didn’t change much after the collapse of USSR, only we get to propaganda from both sides now. At least to soviet propaganda was soooooo easily see through you could laugh at it. This isn’t even funny :/
Couple of points from reading the comments:
The training with Indian SU30s where American jets were supposedly limited… Yes, they were. Guess why? Because the SU30 were not compatible with any american system so while the F15, 16 could and were easily fed with information from AWACS, the S30 couldn’t. Of course it was biased. In some ways to favor the Indians, in others to favor the Americans.
Another point: In the Gulf war AH-64 helicopters destroyed radar stations with Hellfire missiles during the first night of the attack. Then they flew AWACS which the other side didn’t have 24/7. It was a stupid mistake from Iraq and a key suscess for the US. But doesn’t it make comparing the jets kinda unfair?
Myself I do believe that with introduction of F15 US had the best fighter in the world. It’s in a different leage than Mig 21 and Mig23. I’m not throwing Mig 25 in as that is a different plane with a specific role. With the introduction of Mig29 US still had the upper hand. The early models (which were exported heavily…) were troubled with many flaws. Radar speciffically made for it wasn’t ready, engines had very short lifeperiod and so on. Later models transformed it into a completely different animal. And then came the SU 27. Today I wouldn’t bet on the F15E vs. SU35 fight outcome. And we probably won’t ever find who would win because of nuclear weapons. And even without them I don’t believe US would manage to sucesfully invade Russia. Neither Russia would be able to invade US. Europe on the other hand would be doomed. From both sides. We don’t have any real army now. We can brag about units like SAS, Eurofighters, Lerecs… But with the numbers we have? Laughable. And we’re letting Jihadis to roam freely in our countries. Thanks America for poking your nose where it doesn’t have any right to be. Also thanks Merkel for not being able to see two steps ahead…
I flew F-14B for 8 years, 1980-1988. I have left the air force in 1992 due to illness. During that time I had a chance to fly F-16s, 18s and 15s.
A typical F-14B is far more maneuverable than an F-15, in my experience. I don’t know about the newer post 1998 manufacture models.
What my feelings and experience tells me, by the way I flew them, several times, is that the F-14 is the only plane comparable to Su-27.
How do I know? I escorted several bombers outside our territory and at some stage I was intercepted by Mig29s and Su-27s.
In some cases we , the pilots had friendly exchange with hand gestures, we simply had fun up there at 18,000 feet.
One day an Su-27 pilot tried to do the highest ALPHA possible, We counted from 3 to 1. I pulled a very high alpha at 104 degrees in afterburner. I was 1:1 with him. He ended up doing a cobra, I ended up with a mini cobra, shooting vertical , gaining speed past 1.5mach. I lost him, he was already 5km below me.
That was my Tom Cat
wow, wow, wowwwww!!!!!!!
I’ve never heard such a pile of bullshit ever…. the only real conclusion you may draw about usa vs russia weapon systemes is from the Vietnam war, on which americans still have a huge drama…. but if you were asking an average american hollywood viewer: ‘who has won the vietnamese war’, you would be given the answer: ‘Of course americans, with Chuck Norris at the head’…. welllll…. LONG LIVE TO AMERICAIN SUPER MEDIA HOLLYWOODIAN POWER….
To be honest, if one reads these comments there is so much propaganda and bias. I mean, even if the F15 were better that the SU27, it also costs more (what a surprise). I don’t understand why some people from America (and some of us, Russians) have to brag so much about their country. I mean, these two machines are excellent piece of hardware and one should just have respect for Boeing and KB Suchoi
Well well……… our dick is bigger than theirs!! lol
You guys are all talk while Pakistan has actually down Soviet, Afghan and Indian fighter jets, possibly the Israelis are the only ones with as much experience. Americans and Russians have never fought air combat, just play in the air.
Pakistan last week shot down a Indian Air Force MiG 21 Bison and a SU 30 MKI and a helicopter in Indian side of Kashmir and one on Pakistani side with a Pakistan China cooperation made JF 17, Pakistani pilots and engineers used the knowledge of the US F16s to develop the JF17 to their own specs which are very similar in performance to the F16… Indians were shocked and still refuse to admit they were shot down by Pakistan made JF 17s, watch out world, the new kid on the block is the JF 17 Thunder…. now proven in combat.
I think the Gee Bee is the best!
Add another loss of SU 30MKI at the hands of Pakistan Air Force on 27 Feb 19.
Idiots of the world unite!
Actually I see you did that on this site.
Like many aircraft the F-15 maintains a different attitude when on the ground than when in the air. The view from the cockpit is second only to the F-18. The best I have experienced and there have been many. The F-15 may or may not be as good as the SU-27. The USSR had many years to copy the best parts of the F-15 before it was manufactured. The USSR is dead along with the millions who died at the hands of it’s oppressors. Putin is almost as big a joke as Trump. Can only say I hope you are as embarrassed of yours as we are of ours. As for the aircraft, both should be a source of great pride. Peace.
in a short way, it all comes down to avionics and pilot awareness. In close quarters dogfights, su-27 will mostly win with their r-73 however such close range dogfights are almost unrealistic. Its mostly bvr and the americans are a step ahead in this department in all honestly.
Speculations. The SU27 / 33 / 37 is some of the most agile jets in the game. With radar capable of finding target down to 90 meters over ground 240 km away plus a squardron can deal with 16 different targets at the same time makes it difficult to beat, The real competetion comes down to pilot skills. And at the moment american pilots have 3xtimes more exerceice / flight hous than there russian counter parts. The eagle was concived in 1967 – The Flanker in 1985. It’s ignorance to say that the Sukhoi stole the design from F15. The SU27 was developed in dual with MIG29 which was develop after MIG25 / 31. The lastest F35 is developed partially from Yakovlev Yak-141. Especially the propulsion system.
Funny. Russian missiles can’t even the right country. You aim at Syria and hit Iran. Now it’s Russian’s dying like flies. Lambs to the slaughter. Glory to Ukraine!
Look, it doesn’t matter whats better out of the F-15 Eagle or the
Su-27 Flanker. What matters is f**K Mig 29 Fulcrums!
I am retired Russian pilot, I have brought down four F15′ flying my trusty SU27 in Angola and Central Africa.
So piss off and stick you tongue up your ass.
Never talk about you have no idea or more impotent you have no experience. Just shout the fuck up.