Fighter Flights, Fighter Jets
Here’s what it’s like to rent a MiG-29 to fly to the stratosphere After Gizmodos article with the title “Here’s what it’s like to rent a MiG-29 to fly you above the clouds in the stratosphere” by Casey Chan – covering the...
Fighter Flights, Uncategorized
We know this is a hard question and easy to criticise – as they flew at different times, had different material etc. We do compare apple and oranges here, and we know it. This list is more entertainment than science, so take it with a pinch of salt. One of the...
Experimental Aircraft, Uncategorized
Our most famous pilot Yves Rossy, or better known as the “Jetman” is a Swiss former fighter pilot of the Swiss Air Force, flying military fighter aircraft like the British Hawker Hunter, the French Dassault Mirage III and the American Northrop F-5 Tiger...
Aircraft Carriers, Bomber aircrafts, Experimental Aircraft, World Records Aviation
We all know that in the history of military aviation, a lot of interesting events and developments have been made. Our friend Marko Radovic from Belgrade selected 15 interesting facts and created this nice post for us: Thanks a lot for creating this nice post for us....
Fighter Jets, Naval, World Records Aviation
It had always been U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Katie Higgins’ dream to become a pilot, and follow in her family’s steps. This became reality in 2011, when she received her wings. But last weekend was probably the best day of her life, when she successfully...
Fighter Flights, Fighter Jets, Videos
How can cameras sustain such high speeds? First of all: MiGFlug did attach cameras outside before – so that’s nothing revolutionary. Among other – cameras have been attached with a lot of tape for BBC productions and for the German Galileo that is...
Fighter Jets, Photography
Lieutenant Chris Nigus sent us a jaw-dropping selection of spectacular images he took while flying on missions during the last couple of years of his deployment in Japan. Above you can see him flying at a low level in Japan’s well known Orange Route. Some of the...
Fighter Flights, Fighter Jets
MiG-29B, MiG-29UB and MiG-29SE compared How do different Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum versions perform? We wanted to have a closer look and compared the MiG-29B, the MiG-29UB and finally the MiG-29SE. Video I: MiG-29UB doing an Edge of Space flight: The MiG-29UB (Product...
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