The Top Ten fastest planes in the World
Before we start – here is a nice video showing you the 10 fastest planes in the world:
There are very many aircraft that has exceeded the speed of Mach 2.0. Some of them are research aircraft, some are military and some are simply flying for reconnaissance purposes. But there is always something special with supersonic aircraft. Just imagine flying at an altitude of 5 kilometres, hearing a “go” from the radio and pushing that throttle backwards while feeling the 100+kN engine accelerating you to speeds higher than any other life form has ever been seen doing. But you are not the fast one, you are just the passenger. The aircraft that you are flying in, the machine that gives you powers to rise above the clouds in mere minutes is the true masterpiece. The masterpiece of military engineering. In this article, we will look into ten of the fastest military aircraft ever flown and see what they have in the trunk.

Number 10: Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker. Its top speed of 2.35 Mach brings it to the very edge of USSR craftmanship with a twin engine and the first fly-by-wire control system on a Russian jet ever. It was built for air superiority to counter the new American 3.5 gen fighters such as the F-15 Eagle. It is armed with a 30 mm gun and 10 external pylons that can hold both Air-to-Air, heat-seeking, short and medium-range missiles. Due to all its accomplishments and popularity, it has very many different variants. Some of which are top-modern even today, 35 years after the first flight of the Flanker (1977). Some of them are:
- Sukhoi Su-30
- Sukhoi Su-33
- Sukhoi Su-34
- Sukhoi Su-35
- Sukhoi Su-37
And – the Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker was once available for passenger fun flights with MiGFlug! Read more here.

Picture of an F-111 showing its variable sweep wing.
Number 9: General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark. Number nine on this list is not a fighter but a tactical bomber capable of flying at Mach 2.5. It had, before its retirement in 1998, 9 hardpoints and 2 weapon bays, together with being able to deliver a payload of 14,300 kg of bombs, a nuclear bomb, air-to-air missiles or a 2000 round machine gun could be fitted. However, due to the Aardvark’s role in air, it was rarely fitted with the gun. The Aardvark was the first aircraft in production with a variable sweep with the configuration which is why it was also tested for carrier-based operations, however, this was never completed (although there were some successful tries).
F-15C during Operation Noble Eagle
Number 8: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle The F-15 has been claimed to be one of the most successful aircraft ever built and is still in service with the US Air Force. The Eagle’s twin-engine and thrust-to-weight ratio of almost 1:1 can propel the 18,000 kg aircraft to more than 2.5 times the speed of sound. It was introduced in 1976 and will continue to be a part of the air force beyond 2025. There has almost 1200 F-15s built and it has been exported to among others Japan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. The current plan is to keep producing them until 2019. It was first designed as an air-superiority aircraft but later the F-15E Strike Eagle was built, an Air-to-Ground derivative. The F-15 can load a variety of Sparrow, Sidewinder, 120-AMRAAM, drop bombs ( for instance Mark 84 or 82) or external fuel tanks on its 11 hardpoints. Together with its 20 mm M61A1 Vulcan gun, it is no surprise that this buster has over 100 confirmed aerial combat victories. By the way, a lot of visitors are interested in flying the F-15 – so we wrote a small article about that topic. Click the link for more information.

MiG-31 flying over Russia
Number 7: Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxbat With a top speed of Mach 2.83, the next aircraft on our list is the Mikoyan Gurevich-31 Foxhound (also this one was once available for tourist flights!). Due to its enormous twin-engine with a thrust of 2*152kN, it was able to fly at supersonic speeds at both high- and low altitudes. It is a Soviet Interceptor built to take out enemy aircraft and has great capabilities to do so using a combination of active and passive radars. Four Foxhounds can together control a front of 900 kilometres in length. The weapons that it has to its disposal are:
- One 23 millimetre gun with 260 rounds.
- Under fuselage:
- 4x R-33 Air-to-Air (heavy) or 6x R-37 Air-to-Air missiles.
- On pylons:
- Long or medium-range missiles, short-range IR missiles or a special medium-range Air-to-Air missile for high-speed targets.
The production ended in 1994 but is unknown exactly how many MiG-31 that were built but between 400-500 is said to be a qualified guess. The MiG-31 is still today in service with the Russian and Kazakhstan Air Forces. The MiG-31 is a derivative of the MiG-25 which can be read about further down (place 4) and in the link at the very end of the article.

XB-70 Valkyrie (taking off)
Number 6: XB-70 Valkyrie. The XB-70 Valkyrie was a unique aircraft with six engines which together could accelerate the 240,000-kilogram aircraft to a velocity of Mach 3. This speed resulted in the frame of the aircraft being heated up to as much as 330°C in some areas. The extreme speed was needed for two reasons: 1: To accelerate away from Soviet interceptors and 2: To be able to escape the blast of the nuclear bombs that it was capable of dropping. The big size (weight) was needed to carry the fuel needed for the 6,900-kilometre flight into the Soviet Union and escape without refuelling and to house the 14 nuclear bombs that it was capable of carrying. The aircraft had its first flight in 1964 and is now retired, only two were built.

X-2 Starbuster together with its crew
Number 5: Bell X-2 Starbuster. The Starbuster was an American research aircraft which had its first flight in 1955 and was retired in 1956. It was a continuation of the X-2 program and so Its area of investigation was to see how aircrafts behaved when flying at speeds higher than Mach 2.0. It did, as can be understood, not carry any weapons and featured a back-swept wing which made it have little air-resistance and was by that able to achieve the stunning speed of Mach 3.196 in 1956. However soon after this speed was attained the pilot, Milburn G. Apt, made a sharp turn and the aircraft tumbled out of control. He could not regain control of the aircraft and bailed out. Unfortunately, only the small parachute of the escape shuttle was opened and he hit the ground with too high speed. This fatal crash ended the Starbuster program.

Mikoyan Gurevich 25PU
Number 4: Mikoyan MiG-25 Foxbat. This jet was a Soviet machine built to intercept American aircraft during the cold war like the SR-71 and high- slow flying surveillance aircraft. Since it was built to intercept the SR-71 it was required to have an extreme speed, hence its Mach 3.2 top capability. The Foxbat, unlike the Blackbird, featured 4 air-to-air missiles which made it an interceptor rather than a reconnaissance aircraft. It has never shot down a Blackbird but it has had many other combat missions which have been successful, for instance in the Iran-Iraq war. Over 1100 Foxbats were built between 1964 and 1984, however, today the use is limited, with its only users being Russia, Syria, Algeria and Turkmenistan. For more information about this astonishing bird see the link at the bottom of the article. The MiG-25 was also the fastest plane ever offered for fun flights by MiGFlug – it was mainly used for Edge of Space flights.

YF-12A, the first YF-12
Number 3: Lockheed YF-12. This jet was an American interceptor prototype with a top speed of Mach 3.35. It looked almost like the SR-71 Blackbird and featured three Air-to-Air missiles. The reason for it looking a lot like the SR-71 was because the SR-71 was based on the YF-12, and also because both of them had the same designer, the extremely famous Clarence “Kelly” Johnson. Only 3 YF-12’s were built but the program still made it into the history books with its “highest speed”, “highest altitude” (both of these were later surpassed by the Blackbird) and “biggest interceptor” records.

SR-71B (double cockpit)
Number 2: Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird After its introduction in 1966 it has been used by both the USAF and NASA. 32 Blackbirds were built, all used for reconnaissance and experimental research. It featured stealth technology but if it was, against all odds, spotted by enemy forces, it could outrun the interceptors or surface-to-air missiles that were fired at it, due to its fantastic speed. The Blackbird was so fast that the air in front of it did not have time to escape, hence building up a huge pressure, and raised the temperature. The temperature of the aircraft, which could reach several hundred degrees high, expanded the metal, hence it had to be built by too small pieces. Because of this, the SR-71 actually leaked oil when standing still. The Blackbird holds the record for manned, air-breathing aircraft, see here. A nice documentary about the SR-71 for those who love this plane as much as we do:

The winner of our top 10 – the X-15!
Number 1: North American X-15 This aircraft has the current world record for the fastest manned aircraft. Its maximum speed was Mach 6.70 (about 7,200 km/h) which it attained on the 3rd of October 1967 thanks to its pilot William J. “Pete” Knight. To be stable at these super high velocities, it had to feature a big wedge tail, however, the downside of this was at lower speeds the drag was extremely big from such a tail. Therefore a B-52 Stratofortress had to carry it up to an altitude of about 14,000 meters before dropping it at which it ignited its own engines. Just imagine sitting in a rocket measuring only 15 m in length and then being dropped, must have been a truly magnificent feeling! The X-15 was used at such extreme speeds so that it did not use traditional ways to steer (using drag over a fin) but instead it used rocket thrusters! This made it possible to reach altitudes higher than 100 kilometres, which was one of its world records. These are the three records that brought the X-15 rocket jet into the history books:
- It was the first operational space plane.
- It got to a height of more than 100 km.
- It flew more than six times the speed of sound (Mach 6.70).
Fastest planes in the world – Overview
Here is an overview of the fastest planes in the World and their Top Speed (Click to enlarge).

The fastest Aircraft in the World
Further Reading:
- Read about the SR-71 Blackbird mentioned in the article here.
- The XB-70 Valkyrie (also mentioned in the article)
- The world’s fastest (rocket-) aircraft, the experimental X-15
- The fastest interceptor ever built, the Mikoyan MiG-25 Foxbat
- Xb70.interceptor
- Livescience
- Aerospaceweb
- Air-and-Space
- Gizmodo
- Wilson (2000)
- Logan (1998)
- Davies and Dildy (2007)
- Nasa
Thanks for your kind great information wish you update our knowledge on a frequently basis ..
Has anybody heard of “aurora” it’s possibly flying around up there at 8,000 MPH
Rumoured/Fictional aircraft. If the Aurora did/does exist it has never been seen
Okey dokey
It makes an appearance in the new Top Gun movie. Watch the trailer again. When Cruise is in the space flight suit, he’s flying it.
I think the fastest is B2,…
The stealthy bomber
Debbie downers
Technically x15 is not in the same class as its powered by rocket and not jet engines.
There’s always got to be one
The definition is “powered”
It’s now called the X-37B….. real life, not fiction
The X-37B is a drone shuttle. Launched to orbit by rocket then glides home on re-entry.
Not surprised at that speed.?
balls and cock
Not surprisingly with speed
That’s what was said about the SR 71 and we know how that went.
The F-111 didn’t retire in 1998. Its last operational flight was in Australia on 3 December 2010. The aircraft in question was a F-111C, A8-109, of 6 Squadron RAAF, based at Amberley, Queensland.
According to a slip up from one of Lockheed Martin’s executives, the SR72 does exist and is already flying. I have no doubt i’ve seen its contrails – going from horizon to horizon because it was moving so fast.
sorry, the top speed of aurora air craft is only 4,566 mph
In limp mode maybe
Thats true in km/h is this ca. 7.200 so everything right in the article
Is that right, well then, apparently it is faster then the ground to air missiles fired at them, to try to shoot em’ down!
1. The fastest Fighter jet is the Mig 25 fighter Plane too It has top speed with burning the aluminum stamless engine has maxium limit is Mack 2.83 too. Or the Engines maxium heat temper ture limit too. The red line at m -2.83 too.
I’ve heard about it…very little mind you but still something. All I know is that they’re testing it out at Area 51 and the cover up story is aliens. I would give a lot to fly it…if I could just look at it ar maybe sit in the cockpit.
Probably use aliens to test them
Thats unimaginable 6 thousand mph only the unaproachable speed of light can laugh at that…..
The speed of light is laughable.
Tacheon Brite…
Once was a man named Tacheon Brite
Who traveled much faster than light
Took off one day in an Einstenian way
And he returned on the previous night
I was at the base when an Aurora took off. It went over Mach 4-5; N.Y. to California in 40 minutes. we fuel it. I’ve seen one in Area51. Up in the air ( close to space) , there were a lot of calls to 911 by earthlings, reporting seeing UFO…….soooooo FAST LOL
is the aurora a manned aircraft????? or un-manned
Earthlings? Wait a minute! What planet are you from? Lol
OMG. Is that really so?
In the 1980’s USA had aircrafts (secret projects) flying around 17,000 mph. We now have equipment much faster. USA has developed a wayto keep pilots alive with special technology no one has seen. That being said, is difficult to assess, or argue which country is where with technology. Yes the PAKFA and T50 are good. However, three F22 is a fighter jet and not a bomber. 10 F35’s were sent up ahead of the F22 in a mock air battle. All F35 jets are destroyed and none of the F35 pilots ever saw the F22. The F22 and its pilots have been grounded for several reasons. Some are parts issues that are no made and there technologies so advanced, they can’t take a chance with it going up again.
I don’t think humans can sustain that kind of speed without “inertia damper”…
The Foxbat is not the fastest interceptor ever built, the SR71 variant yf12a was. I don’t know if it was ever in service, but it was built and did go fast than a Mig 25. I respect the 25, but it’s second.
It’s only a maybe. All conspiracy theory u til the govr shows it off.
I think it has antigracity technology and eother it can go through space and time like a wormhole, then if ot is not that, those white spherical lights b4 disappearing is a cloaking device.
I think cloaking because we ve seen the cideos 9f that thing flyi g at every angle with gforce to string to survive.
I dont think manned flights are possible,if they troed the people are probably fised with the craft, so intil then, it’s gotta be a drone or woth a pilot, a much less capable machine.
Probably no worm holes or anything over 6k mph. Mach 6. I know the x12 was firat real space plane but it didn’t siddenly stop and tirn in a dime nor would i want to see what it looked like after if attempted
The aurora i know the aircraft does exist i have seen it once and its very quiet and extremely fast it can get from one side of the world to the other in 45 minutes the aircraft is based in Scotland somewhere
Yeah sure
can i buy it
nothing on earth comes close to the raptor! what a beast….
Dotheads know nothing in their jobs they are cheap poor labor..
Nibba its slow
The world’ fastest jet was the A-12 Oxcart. We were the first Mach 3.29 combat aircraft.
We flew A-12 Black Shield combat missions over North Vietnam and North Korea from 1967 to 1968. I have flown the the A-12 (355 flight hours) at Mach 3.29 at 94,300 feet altitude. Because it was so classified (CIA) it received no publicity. I also flew 350 flight hours in the SR-71.
I wouldnt quite catagorise the x-15 as being a plane it just compramised in two many ways that doesnt practically cant be categorized in the airplane line its more in the cruise missile region if you ask me as it is a flying rocket motor outfited to strap someone to it…must have been one hell of a ride no doubt whatsoever!!
These jets are the world’s fastest jets
b1b I sew it in person at an airshow in Oklahoma. he did two passes , one under power and once in sheath mode. we herd nothing but the rush of air.
b2 but not the fastest. x15 is faster
super information
I agree this is very juice:-) stuff.
A gdzie E-166 i E-266. ????!!!!
Most of these jets were built many decades ago. Research and innovation have not made them obsolete. Why?
These are the record holders, whose information is known to the public. The United States government wouldn’t advertise it’s biggest, baddest inventory.
If you’ve got a very fast plane you share it with the world as it acts as a deterant, kind of like how countries advertise there nuclear weapons. They would share all the record information without the technical specifications.
Most are obsolete except f15 and maybe the Russian jets. I believe most aircraft developers have been putting their research and development into remote operation, sensor capabilities, and miles and miles of programming. But who knows, militaries have a knack for keeping things classified.
Obsolete? The SR-71 was brought back after it retired the first time. It may be officially retired now, but if we went to World War III, I would demand the SR-71 be brought back. I wouldn’t call these planes “obsolete”.
There’s are no parts or engines and all the airframes are in museums.
Speed is not that important, after a certain point it’s all about manoeuvrability, efficiency and armament now.
Don’t forget the pilot…he might be important too…
Stealth is most important.
In 1967 they a plane doing mach 6,7 that was probebly classified. They probebly have something doing mach 20 today that we dont know anything about..
Speed is equally important. If your speed isn’t more than enemy follower aircraft, it will chase you, come closer and when in range, shoot you down.
Probably because most of these where built during the cold war, that’s my guess.
It is very expensive to go very very fast and the military and scientific value does not justify the cost. However, we have not seen the last of superfast maned air-space craft. Developments in supersonic RAM jet (scramjet) propulsion will everntually lead to a maned vehicle that can fly into space.
Because there hasn’t really been any huge leaps in aviation design and probably more importantly, propulsion.
My thoughts were the same Chike.
Not an expert on this, but I’d guess cause of NATO perhaps.
I have a design for a new fighter plane please respond at my email address thank you
i have an idea for a new type of spacecraft seeking designers, manufacturers, global investors i can be reached at [email protected] +44 1543 378146
Can you will participate in make in India
where is sukhoi T-4?
Never was that fast – just on paper… Check
i never read about remote control jet fighter.i hered that the u s airforce have them.
Oh ! What’s drone ?
Not sure why the YF-12 is in there as it’s the prototype of the SR-71.
Yf-12 was built as an intercepted not recon.
The YF-12 was scheduled to be the latest Air Defense interceptor aircraft. After the initial three operational flight tests by Jim Eastam, the Air Force cancelled it. The three YF-12s were used by NASA for testing.
Yesterday I watched a documentary, ‘Secrets In The Sky: Untold Story’, about the Lockheed Skunk Works. Very interesting. As Ken Collins said, the YF-12 was going to be an interceptor version of the SR-71 but, for some reason I forget, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara hated Skunk Works and insisted that all the SR-71 tooling (needed for making it) be destroyed, and it was, so it would have been very expensive to make another plane similar to the SR-71.
(Saw another interesting documentary recently about McNamara, but that’s another story.)
world fastest combact aircraft
That a great history….but have something new….how can I get help???
great planes indeed
The Foxbat was built as a response to the Valkyrie, not the Blackbird.
And seconding a previous comment, the YF12 and SR71 are the same plane.
Fuck off william, you’re wrong.
The YF-12 was a totally different design from the A-12 or the SR-71. These two look very similar, but they are different. The A-12 was about 5 feet shorter, lighter. The YF-12 has a design changing round radar nose. The dorsal fins had to be added.for stability.
You’re a fake william, ya fake william, get it right, I am the realest william there is, so my authority as a william outweighs yours greatly
William, just stop okay?
Listen to that real william, he know.
Not the same plane. Several differences including a third vertical stabilizer.
im the real Wllllam!! dont misuse my name u jerks
The SR-71 and the YF-12 are two totally different aircraft. The YF-12 was a fighter interceptor Lockheed only produced 3 of these aircraft they were in fact dual seat interceptor The YF-12 was and carried three internal Hughes Aim 47 Falcon long range missiles. The other difference was the Nose was round and not anything similar to the SR-71.
The A-12 was a single seat version of the SR-71
They are not the same. They are different lengths, as well as internals.
The YF-12, SR-71 and the A-12 were all Mach 3+ aircraft, but each was different…NOT THE SAME.
Not manned
thank’s for giving us information about the jets !
When you are talking about cold war …you need Powerfull armament(to destroy your target) not so many armament but powefull ones and you need speed (to flee) or stealth (to be hard to get) ……but now you got open warfares ….missions wont be hit and run the enemy will intercept and get your a** …. The list is nice but there are some classified aircrafts
just a question why aren’t there any scram jet aircraft here
Top Incredibly Advanced Jet Fighters 2016
Use to watch the SR71 in okinawa 87-88. The best aircraft there ever was
Lucky you
Ray, in July 1968 I was recuperating from Malaria in Okinawa. I was sitting outside reading a popular science magazine article titled, “What ever happened to the A-12.” The article said that there were only the 3 prototypes built (A-12, SR-71 & YF-12A), and that they were all located at remote air bases in the USA. As I read this article, about every 15 minutes or so an SR-71 would come howling in for a landing at Kadena. The fact that these aircraft even existed had been kept top secret, but they were flying recon missions daily.
i absolutely LOVE the fact that the top speed of the blackbird is still classified…and even area 51, where it was tested, is declassified. we think the x-15 was faster…but we don’t really know…
actually a top speed has been released and it is over 3’500Km/H
X-15 is not a true jet it is simply a manned rocket I say this because it cannot consistently take off and land with its own power. Unlike a mig25 or the SR71 which can take off and land by it self thus classifying them as true jets and not the X 15. Thus meaning that the fastest jet title belongs to the Lockheed SR71 and not the X 15 because it is just a flyable rocket not a Self Dependant JET.
I agree 100%. If we are talking rocket powered manned aircraft then there many which are/have been faster than the X-15. Think SPACE SHUTTLE among others. The SR-71 holds the title for air breathing engines. This article is comparing an apple with the oranges.
Your right. The SR 71 is an air breathing jet and is the fastest air breathing air craft. The X15 is a rocket powered air craft and is the fastest manned winged aircraft. Although the fastest manned aircraft is the Saturn 5 rocket
A jet is powered BY a jet engine. Thus, an air breathing turbine. The X-15 probably could operate in the vacuum of space… Maybe not the handling portion. A jet obviously will only operate as long as it has enough of an air supply to generate thrust to sustain speed/altitude.
What of the B-52’s.Are they in use today or they are obsolete?.
The B-52 Stratofortress made by Boeing is still in use, with Boeing updating it to maintain its viability. You probably won’t see it on this list anytime soon as its top speed is only a little over 1000 km/h (Mach 0.86)…
Also see:
Where is the English Electric Lightning?
I flew in them several times, first in Scotland then in Saudi. Mach 2.3, and it could achieve mach 2 going vertical straight off the runway. Great in a straight line, flight envelope 45 minutes only and really bad to handle for in flight refuelling. Have a great shot of an F15 which was claimed to be the fastest and highest fighter at the time, world record of 72,000 feet, our picture was taken from the gun camera of the Lightning above it.
Sorry the f 15 can go over 80,000 ft. In theory the F 15 can take off in afterburner go vertical and enter space. Did you also know an F15 shot down a S.atilite
Rafal is also a very good aircraft in world. The rafal plane contain 6 bombs with it. It can also contain nuclear bomb. The China also does not have this type of plane. India is purchasing this plane from france.
I would like to know where the pilots dome sheild of the cockpit is as he is flying the F15 above the earth. It is missing in the video . Check out the feed at 1 minute 50 seconds to 1 min 57 seconds. Also why do you see a faint reflection of the American flag between the tails of the aircraft at approx 1 min57 sec? Can see image best with magnifier. Hmm maybe CGI. Reflections of lighting don’t add up either. I say this is a fake fly over.
Most aircraft speed is classified. The speeds you look up online are not actually true speeds of aircraft. Like the f22 raptor.
This is true. That is why the speed of an F 15 is listed as mach 2.5 by the Air Force as its top speed is classified, Even a certified speed record my not be the actual top speed . Case in point. A certified speed record is set at a required altitude envelope and the course is a specific width and length. You can not go out of this area or the run is no good. You also must make a two way pass with in a certain amount of time. Your two runs are then averaged. You must start the run at a required speed. That is why the F 106 singe engine aircraft speed record is 1,525 MPH or Mach 2.39. on one pass the record setting 106 went 1,555,54 mph but its a two why run averaged. By the why that record still stands. There is a governing body that sanctions official aircraft speed record attempts which is why all Soviet claims are suspicious. They will not allow the governing body to observe the tests.
what is the fastest plane between 2010 and 2016?
i dont know
So Mach (the speed of sound) is 1234.8 km/h. Therefore 6.7 Mach would equal 8273.16 km/h, pretty far short of 7200 km/h as stated that stats for the X15. This makes me wonder about the accuracy of the other facts in this article.
What about soarin’ over the world? it literally transports you to different geographical locations in a matter of seconds. I dare say it is a trans-dimensional transportation device. I have done a thurrell investigation of this finomina.
I no, I have sean this unushul avent!$#$$
What about soarin’ over the world? it literally transports you to different geographical locations in a matter of seconds. I dare say it is a trans-dimensional transportation device. I have done a thurrell investigation of this finomina….
Do you mind if I speak my native language, dothraki. I prefer the CIA doesn’t find me. It doesn’t have my alphabet though so it will be a rough translation. Gollo conrtryyent fadfe jfkjej garthelt letknegt ohlejo. thank you
What about the Prius?
Ohhhh yeah that one nearly made the list…11th place I think =D
I flew English electric lightning’s 1976.
We tried to intercept a Russian bogey
Not a chance, he took his pictures and was gone
Looked like a very fast blip.
What about those super heros…could any body built like that?by the way i like the SR71 BLACKBIRD
The fastest aircraft is NASA’s x-43. It can fly up to 11850 kph
Not even close I did the conversion and it is at the space shuttle can leave me standing because if you can do the conversion of the listed top speed for the space shuttle it comes up at over mach 23 whereas that NASA X-43 listed Top Speed comes up as Mach 9
Buddy the Space Shuttle is more rocket than plane, unlike the X-43 which is a scramjet. SSTOs are another category buddy.
Ok, buddy boy. Dork.
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Its unmanned
1. The Mig -25 is the fastest Fighter jet too. IT HAS TOP speed of Mack 3.2. Times speed of Sound too. It mfg in US.S.R. too.
Noting that the ONLY(!!!) reason the MiG-25 wasn’t as fast, if not faster, than the Blackbird (all versions, including C.I.A. – ordered A-12, USAF SR-71, and abortive interceptor, YF-12, was its defective engines, must wonder what the score would be if the ultimate version of the MiG’s R-15 engine, the R-15 BF2-300, in which were not only ALL(!!) its defects finally resolved, but as well, there was the bonus of an additional THIRTY(!!) percent more power was available had been retrofitted to the MiG-25 fleet, as was originally intended, rather than cancelled by unimaginative, beancounting “aparatchicks” in the Kremlin? Talk about “Wiley Cuyote” on steroids, or more correctly “ACME Leg Vitamins”, in what is my favourite episode of that celebrated series, nothing like that “Road Runner”, after the usual “beep-beep”, looking back, and instead of seeing the cuyote, er, uh, Mig-25M, getting smaller, realizing that “the object in the mirror, is a LOT(!!!) closer than it appears”!!!!
I really do not 30 percent more power would be enough considering its weight. the SR71 could go over 100,00 ft. I do not think the Foxbat could. I might be wrong on that. But the altitude and speed of the SR 71 is still classified. (If its not as one person suggests I would be very much interested to know were I can find the official Air Force Artical this came from.) More speed alone might not be enough for it to intercept a Blackbird. The Foxbat drank fuel like a drunk at a wedding with an open bar. It just might run out of fuel faster. Also it had to take off and get to speed before the intercept. A slight course change can throw everything off quickly at those speeds. The best thing the Mig 25 had going for it was its radar which at the time was so powerfull we felt it could not be jammed. I saw an interesting SR 71 piolet interviw on History channel about the second Israllie war. We stopped it buy overflying The conflict area with an SR 71 and then gave the photos to both side and said now you know each sides positions do you really want to keep on fighting. The piolet of that mission said the course was pretty narrow so course changes were minimal We were being tracked by radar from the beginning to the end of our run. To escape the missles being fired at us we had to keep increasing speed and those mach numbers were getting pretty scarie.
I reach 102,000 ft with a Mig-25…
This is the product of Mind, more strength for creativity.
The X-15 can reach substantially higher speeds than “about 7 200 km/h” since mach 1 is considered at around 1 195 km/h.
So mach 6.70 = 8 006.5 km/h
Mach 6.0 = 7 170 km/h, so it seems you forgot the extra 0.7 in your multiplication. ;D
The x-15 is the fastest object on this list but its not a plane/jet its a rocket. The SR-71 is the fastest JET. But good list anyway!
As per we PickyTop
it used X-15 at such extreme speeds so it didn’t use traditional steering methods (using slide over a fin) but used rocket thrusters instead!
Not mentioned on the list, the original and fastest variant of the Blackbird design was the single seat A-12 “oxcart”. The A-12 was originally developed for the CIA as a successor to the U-2. The YF-12 interceptor variant was the first publicly acknowledged blackbird, actually as a cover for the secret oxcart project. Eventually the oxcart was retired in favor of the Air Force SR-71 variant taking over its role. No fighter or missile was ever able to intercept either the A-12 or SR-71. Standard procedure for a blackbird attacked by a SAM was to simply accelerate! My understanding is that the Mig-25 was developed to intercept the B-70 strategic bomber not the blackbird. Other honorable mentions imo would be Saab Viggen, TU-144, Concorde and English Electric Lightning. The Lighting was the only fighter fast enough to catch a Concorde during NATO training flights. Very interesting article!
Also honorable mention or perhaps the subject for a future article, as mentioned in the comments above, the Mig Ye-152 “E-166” prototype that held the world speed record for jet aircraft at one time back in the 60’s. 152 was powered by a single Tumansky R-15 turbojet, 2 of which were later used as the power plants for the Mig-25.
Rafael made in france is not in the same league .. a french update of their mirage .. decent if the other combatant is Luxembourg.
watchout for the fastest bird coming soon still under construction
How does the pilot steer going that fast.
Two small pieces, not too small pieces.
Aside from the annoying metric-only measurements, it was an informative article.
Unmanned aircraft is were its at, the plane can do much more with out a pilot. Secret don’t tell anyone
The MIG-25 is Russian not American you stupid fucking idiots. You’re just jealous because Russian jets are so much faster and more advanced than American jets you stupid fucking pieces of shit. Go fuck yourself!
Why are you so angry Iron Lord?? I suggest mental health counseling for anger management.
no inappropriate words
sadly, Russian planes have a sucky range
Huff,I’ve seen rats run faster than these
II’ve seen rats run faster than these
We all know super man can fly faster than all of these! 😉
well faster than a speeding bullet so at least mach 1. But then in the movie he did spin the world backwards fast enough to rewind time. Don’t know if it works like that.
No, I feel like that would just throw everybody into space, or at least cause major flooding and volcanic activity (as the oceans and magma would not reverse direction as fast as the land). All in all, a major disaster.
On a more scientific note, time is a fourth dimension. So whatever you do to the physical 3D world, time will still be moving forward
But superheroes will be superheroes, so I guess there’s nothing wrong with the idea
SR-71, NATO call sign, “Damn Fast”
The X15 is a rocket with a seat/dorm. The passenger has no control of the craft. Maybe someone can say I’m wrong. However, I hope will see a craft with a US Air Force logo flying at Mach 10 in the very near future, if we don’t have it already…
By the why did’nt you listed xb 70 valkyre…this plane has the ability of achieving mach 3.1
In the early 80’s couple of North Sea Oil rig workers said they say an aircraft flew by so fast, it had to be an aurora. I don’t know where the rig workers got the name from. My thoughts were the SR-81 Black Bird flew by at Mach 3.
No MiG 31, no TU 144 or Tu 160…???
Pardon, just saw the MiG 31, but yeah…no TU 144 or 160
just a simple note: mig 25 foxbat mig 31 foxhound
1. The New Type Rocket Plane can take off from the Ground With out Boasters Help And it can hit mack Speed of Mack Number Speed at over Mack 5.5 Plus With Take off from the Ground & Lands back to earth too! It gets into orbit too! At mack 23+ too! Into Orbit too> To unload Paid load too! Then it return to Earth too!
David, is this made by the “Mack” Trucking Company? The word is “mach”. …..Peace….
I was stationed at Offut A.F.B. 1962-1964 with a TOP SECRET clearance
Now boys rattle on, but you’ve forgotten the F104 and B57 Hustler
Both of which could exceed mach 2. So speed is nothing new.
its the B58, what do u mean, and the f104 had a slow range with its J79
Inaccuracy – the North American X-15 did not have a Reaction Control System (control rockets) because it flew at such extreme speeds, BUT because it flew so high that at times there was little to no atmosphere/air for the regular control surfaces to act upon.
Its your ex that is the fastest yesterday you broke up then the nextday she has a new boyfriend
I can’t imagine that.Its very interesting to me and I was searching for sites for blog commenting, then i found your website. it such very helpful for me
The fastest unmanned aircraft is the x-43a which goes Mach 9.5 which is around 7000 mph its fucking sweet
Technically speaking X-15 is not an aircraft it’s just horizontal rocket you can check this out here fastest plane in the world
your right your right
What about the X-43 “scramjet”?
I just looked up the speed and it is obviously the fastest JET in the world at mach 15 FASTER than the ROCKET plane X-15
The fastest aircraft now is the AURORA , (mach 10 plus) then the Nasa X-43 ( 9 mach ) but there not officially military attack or fighters , One is reconnasance & the other space orbital . But the Space shuttle holds the speed record of all time when in entry to towards the earth at over 17,000 mph or 22.2 mach . Now officially military aircraft weather it be attack or fighter till this day is the Mig 25 foxbat which holds the record at Mach 3.2 . Now even due tecnology of steath or invisible to radar is the newer vision towards military aircraft and not speed as was in the cold war era , the US still is in the lead of such tecnology world wide with its F-117 A and now using utilizing some of this tecnology on its F-22 Raptor . Be aware people of all militaries 6th & 7 generation aircrafts , you will be surprized . Thanks !!!
mig 25 is the best
mig 25 is lit
no its the mig 29 mach 2.81
never mind
Use to watch the SR71 in okinawa 87-88. The best aircraft there ever was. Thank you so much for this post.
I want to see the stuff we’re not allowed to see , now that would be interesting
Lol, “Captain Obvious reporting to the flight deck, Sir!”
Yeah I agree…to get an inside look at Area 51, for example, would be a really cool experience.
As Concord could fly faster than mach 2 and hold more fuel than any fighter or bomber jet, if it was just a straight distance race nothing would beat Concord.
yes the SR-71 and the X-15 could.
because the X-15 c an travel 1.42797314 miles a second
But how far can it go on a single tank of fuel? What James is saying is that if it was a distance race (in which distance, not speed, is the point), greater fuel efficiency and the ability to carry more fuel would be the deciding factors. So the top speed of the plane has little effect on the outcome, even less than the maximum altitude would (as higher altitudes would allow for a longer glide)
Sukhoi Su-57 is by far the best addition to Sukhoi fighter jet series in my opinion. The Su-57 took to the skies for the first time in 2010.
All references to Russian aircraft in this list need to be removed for a couple of reasons. One, they have neither the funding or technology to build such complex machinery. And two, even if they do they couldn’t make it work without stealing the information from the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Has anyone noticed that anytime Russia puts out a new military aircraft it’s almost a blatant copy of U.S. military aircraft, case in point, look at the YF-22 and the look at Russia’s new stealth fighter that they recently launched both are almost identical. Which is why a say their aircraft should be removed from this list Russia can’t come up with anything unique on their own, they steal what others have and claim it as their own. Sorry for the rant but my grandfather worked for Boeing in the “Phantom Works” which the military division of the company and helped to build many of the aircraft our military uses today from just after the start of WW2 to today so I take it personally.
not exactly its usually MiG that does that
and yes they do have the funding and the technology to do it
fastest plane has a massiv thruster
The X15 I think is Everyone’s Favorite X-plane.
Could there be any of this kind?
My great grandfather worked at area 51
USA,UK,PORTUGAL,FRANCE,PAKISTAN,BANGLADESH,SPAIN and PRC should be devasted by their own fighterplanes. These countries are selfish, traitor, jealous and thieves turned…… dictators
Actually the X15 should be rated as the SECOND fastest aircraft in the world, behind the space shuttle as #1.
my dad worked in area 51
The X15 My Favorite I think is Everyone’s Favorite X-plane.
Technically speaking X-15 is not an aircraft it’s just a horizontal rocket you can check this out here fastest plane in the world
In fact speaking X-15 isn’t an airplane it’s simply flat rocket you can look at this here quickest plane on the planet
Not referenced on the rundown, the first and quickest variation of the Blackbird configuration was the single seat A-12 “oxcart”. The A-12 was initially created for the CIA as a replacement to the U-2. The YF-12 interceptor variation was the main freely recognized blackbird, really as a cover for the mystery oxcart venture. At last the oxcart was resigned for the Air Force SR-71 variation assuming control over its job. No contender or rocket was ever ready to capture either the A-12 or SR-71. Standard methodology for a blackbird assaulted by a SAM was to just quicken! My arrangement is that the Mig-25 was created to catch the B-70 vital plane not the blackbird. Other noteworthy notices imo would be Saab Viggen, TU-144, Concorde and English Electric Lightning. The Lighting was the main warrior sufficiently quick to get a Concorde during NATO preparing flights. Interesting article!
In fact, speaking X-15 isn’t an airplane it’s simply a flat rocket.
No, not really, if the pilot sits in the cockpit or if there is any cockpit at all then the FAA can approve that as an aircraft, not a rocket.
Is that right, well then, apparently it is faster then the ground to air missiles fired at them, to try to shoot em’ down!
The X15 is not a fighter jet. It is an experimental aircraft. The question was “What is the fastest fighter”, not what is the fastest aircraft. And the X15 is not a jet.
Too bad the pizza delivery people don’t have any of these.
1. The Fastest for Regular Speeds Aluminum Stemless Jet Body is max um Limit is Mack 2.60 Is m maximum Limit. If they go Faster the Planes body will Melt down at high Temperature Speed too> it true!! The Russians MiG 25 Fighter Interceptor Alumina & Stem miss Body his speed of Mack 2.8. times speed of sound too.
1. The Fastest F-15 Stemless Steal & Aluminum Metal Steal Maximum Speed Maximum Speed of Mack-2.6 Speed limit too. If they go faster the body of the Air Craft would melt too. The Russian MiG 25 Fighter Has top Speed has same body too. The Speed of 2.8 Times Speed Of Sound too .The Red Lime on MiG Fighter Engines Will be Dis-stored An sent to Junk yard too. The Plane will get net engines for MiG Fighters Planes too.
1. The Date was 1959 A.D the launch of project X-15 First experiential Flight at Mach 2.10 times speed of sound too.
I love to fly in X-15.
Number 8: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle The F-15 has been claimed to be one of the most successful aircraft ever built and is still in service with the US Air Force. The Eagle’s twin-engine and thrust-to-weight ratio of almost 1:1 can propel the 18,000 kg aircraft to more than 2.5 times the speed of sound. It was introduced in 1976 and will continue to be a part of the air force beyond 2025. There has almost 1200 F-15s built and it has been exported to among others Japan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. The current plan is to keep producing them until 2019. It was first designed as an air-superiority aircraft but later the F-15E Strike Eagle was built, an Air-to-Ground derivative. The F-15 can load a variety of Sparrow, Sidewinder, 120-AMRAAM, drop bombs ( for instance Mark 84 or 82) or external fuel tanks on its 11 hardpoints. Together with its 20 mm M61A1 Vulcan gun, it is no surprise that this buster has over 100 confirmed aerial combat victories. By the way, a lot of visitors are interested in flying the F-15 – so we wrote a small article about that topic. Click the link for more information.
Fastest Plane Has A Massiv Thruster, My Great Grandfather Worked At Area 45
The F-22 rocks!
Simply want to say your article is as surprising.
What about the Convair F-106, Delta Dart. December 15, 1959, Maj Joe Rogers sets the absolute speed record at 1525.95 mph / 2.41m.
I read this paragraph’s awesome article.
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X-15 is the Fastest Aircraft in the World
1. The fastest Air Craft is the SR-71 Black BIRD ! The Speed is Mack -3.00 Plus too! Is Mack 3.28 to or 2500 Miles per Hour!
1. The SR-71 Is Fastest Jet Air Craft is Mack 3.00 + Times Speeds Sound too.