MiG-29 versions in comparison

MiG-29 versions in comparison

MiG-29B, MiG-29UB and MiG-29SE compared How do different Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum versions perform? We wanted to have a closer look and compared the MiG-29B, the MiG-29UB and finally the MiG-29SE. Video I: MiG-29UB doing an Edge of Space flight: The MiG-29UB (Product...
The media’s perspective of Red Flag

The media’s perspective of Red Flag

Red Flag is the world’s largest military exercise which occurs quite frequently every year. A few years ago, photographers were interviewed on their perspective on this military exercise. https://youtu.be/MVrQboP-FoQ Day 1  – March 14, 2012 Red Flag 12-3 started...

How G-Force works

Watching films like Top Gun or Operation: Red Flag the appeal of being a fighter jet pilot, is easily seen, but would the famous actor Tom Cruise have made a real fighter pilot, let alone you or me? The cockpit of a fighter plane is a very restricted and highly...
How jet engines work

How jet engines work

Ever wondered how a jet engine works? Jet engines create forward thrust by taking in a large amount of air and discharging it as a high-speed jet of gas. The way they’re designed allows aircraft to fly faster and further compared to propeller-driven aircraft. Their...